
At the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival (left to right): Ken Fox, Angela Andrist, Glenn Strand, Tami Tushie, Emily Rumsey, Kiersten Chace, Melody Gilbert

Director: Melody Gilbert, Frozen Feet Films

Producer: Kiersten Chace, Monde World Films

Cinematographer: Adrian Danciu,

Lead Editor: Emily Rumsey,

Additional Editors: Melody Gilbert, Kevin McKeever, Image Generation

Associate Producers: Angela Andrist, Amira Cohen, Emily Rumsey

Researcher: Glenn Strand

Transcribers: Ken Fox, Michael Joyce, Micheal Reano

Graphics: Vanessa Van Alstine

Composers: Thomas Case, Benny Weinbeck,

Still Photography: Sara Rubinstein, Rubinstein Photography

Most of the Minnestoa DocuClubbers celebrating the end of the 5 day competition: (Back row, left to right) Kiersten Chace, Michael Reano, Vanessa Van Alstine, Emily Rumsey, Glenn Strand (Front row): Melody Gilbert, Angela Andrist, Ken Fox, Amira Cohen

Website  Design: Amira Cohen

For more information about Minnesota Docuclub visit our facebook page.

For more information about Tami Tushie’s Toys contact Melody Gilbert at